Daniel in Sweden

In October 2011, when I joined the Logos Hope for a short term program on board, I wasn’t aware that this would be the start of a major transformation in my life. After extending and serving on board for nearly 4 years, God was confirming what He’s called me to do!

The thoughts I had about changing the world, doing something good and serving God, didn’t turn out exactly what my journey on board looked like. Of course part of these was happening, but the biggest change that took place was the change in my life. God did indeed use me, and good things were being accomplished but most importantly God was working in me, transforming and shaping me, to prepare me for the journey He has for my life.

It’s been nearly 4 months since I finished my commitment with the ship, but this is just the beginning of my journey. You might be wondering what’s next or you might know or have heard, and God has certainly shown me the next step.  So what’s next? I’ll be continuing to serve God, but this time I’ll be based on land in Sweden.

“Why Sweden?” you might ask, a question I did ask myself often and eventually God confirmed and opened the doors for it. I might not have a well-defined standard answer for that but the whole process does somehow show God’s hand and blessing over this decision.
During my time on the ship, and quite at an early stage, Sweden, Swedes and several small but significant things related to the country started coming in the picture. It wasn’t something very major at first but looking back and seeing the whole picture, every small detail did have an influence on this decision. God using specific people from Sweden to work in my life through them encouraged me a lot and made me want to see more people like this influencing other people’s lives. It gave me a unique love for the country and its people. Having the opportunity to serve in Sweden for 3 months when the ship was under repair was the cherry on the cake. Experiencing the ministry, being part of it and feeling very alive and able to give a lot was God’s confirmation for my next step after the ship.

What will my ministry be in Sweden? I’ll be involved mainly in the mobilizing team, working a lot with youths challenging them, and encouraging them for missions and hopefully seeing some of them step out to the mission field, to be a light and an encouragement to many people around the world.

How can you partner with me and be a part of my journey?
You can of course pray with and for me during my journey, you can encourage me with verses or words God puts on your heart, you can follow my journey and ask me about stories to share and you can support me financially if God is putting it on your heart to do so.
In order for me to be able to go and live in Sweden I will need to raise a certain amount to cover my expenses there (lodging, food and ministry expenses). 
If you want to support me financially, whether by a one-time gift or monthly: 
Online donation is possible here
Or please contact me by email danielawad@gmail.com or through Facebook.

Thank you very much.
God bless you
Daniel Awad  

With some of the youth in Sweden at our missions simulation "The Zone"

1 comment:

  1. Our Dear Son Daniel!
    We praise the Lord for your willingness to obey His Calling & to serve Him wholeheartedly!
    We are very proud of you... Will be lifting you & your mission among youth... May Jesus use you to be a blessing in the lives of many... May His Love shine through you... May He continue guiding your steps and protecting you wherever you are to be His Light in the darkness of this world!
    We love you greatly... MOM & DAD
